Vprašanja in odgovori o vašem digitalnem cestninskem izdelku!

Registrirajte v nekaj sekundah in vozite se popolnoma brez nalepk.

Kako poteka registracija?

Tako preprosto je:


Izbira cestninskega izdelka

You choose the toll product you need for your trip to/through Slovakia.


Registrska tablica in plačilo

Vnesite številko registrske tablice in se prepričajte, da je pravilna! Nato izberite način plačila po vaši izbiri.


Veljavnost izdelka

Po nekaj sekundah / minutah boste prejeli potrditveno e-poštno sporočilo s QR kodo. Sedaj so vaše registrske tablice uspešno registrirane na cestninski postaji in se lahko vozite brez nalepke in brez čakalne dobe!

Velja takoj, brez čakalne dobe!

Vaše registrske tablice takoj registriramo v uradni cestninski trgovini, z vožnjo lahko začnete v nekaj sekundah / minutah, brez čakalne dobe 18 dni!

The digital vignette has been available since 2020 and has replaced the adhesive vignette. The vignette requirement applies to cars up to 3.5t GVW and motorhomes regardless of the gross vehicle weight. A vignette is also required for trailers if the total weight of the combination of towing vehicle and trailer exceeds 3.5t GVW. If the combination does not exceed 3.5t GVW, no additional vignette is required for the trailer. Motorcycles do not require a vignette. A vignette is not sufficient for vehicles over 3.5t GVW; they require a transmission device.

A vignette is also required for trailers if the total weight of the combination of towing vehicle and trailer exceeds 3.5t GVW. In this case, you will need a total of two vignettes. If the combination does not exceed 3.5t GVW, no additional vignette is required for the trailer.

Ne. Po uspešni registraciji ne potrebujete več fizične vinjete. Tudi mi ne bomo poslali nobene lepilne vinjete.

Po plačilu naročila bomo takoj začeli z registracijo vaših registrskih tablic. To običajno traja manj kot 2 minuti! Po uspešni registraciji v cestninski trgovini boste po pošti prejeli potrdilo o registraciji s kodo QR. Vaš cestninski izdelek je zdaj veljaven in lahko začnete voziti!

Potrdila ni treba nositi s seboj. Priporočamo pa, da ga imate s seboj v primeru tehničnih težav. Tako boste lahko nedvomno dokazali, da ste kupili digitalno vinjeto.

Ponujamo naslednje načine plačila: Kreditna kartica, Giropay, takojšnje bančno nakazilo, iDEAL, EPS, S€PA, PayPal

You can get the 365-day vignette from us for 109,90€ for vehicles and trailers.

In general, vignettes are mandatory on highways and expressways as soon as you enter the road. An exception to this is when the roads are marked with 'BEZ UHRADY' signs. These traffic signs indicate a section without a vignette obligation.

As part of the ordering process, the customer enters the license plate number twice in order to prevent it being entered incorrectly. For this reason, there is no eligibility for a license plate change after the order has been completed. In the event of vehicle re-registration, theft or loss of license plates, a license plate change can be requested. We will help you with the necessary documents!

The digital vignette for Slovakia is available as a 1-day vignette, 10-day vignette, 30-day vignette and 365-day vignette.